April 3, 2013

Where Faith and Effort Flow

There’s a balance between Faith and effort where the pendulum resides. I have lived on both sides. Faith without effort (at times) can be birthed from entitlement and effort without faith can be birthed from self reliance. Neither is Kingdom minded.

I have stood on the mountain of faith and believed grand things while my sight was on the horizon and my heart not set on heaven. Disappointment ensued. Frustration raised it’s fist at a God that was silent. My heart was wounded from a God who doesn’t care. What I didn’t realize is that my heart was set on an idol. My heart gravitated to idols on the horizon. Idols don’t care. Idols are silent. They were masked as life, hope and happiness. My heart learned that it’s impossible for idols to give – they only take.

I have stood in the tread-marks of effort. Deep wells of wheels spinning were created through daily striving. Forward progress was hampered while deeper ruts formed. Footprints of religion surrounded grand ideas. Handprints of sacrifice marked the territory but failure avalanched all around. Frustration raised it’s fist at a God that had spoken and said, “Go!” A heart was wounded from a God who didn’t help. I found out that idols are not only found on horizons. The truth is an idol camouflaged as God turns hearts away from believing.

The pendulum has a fixed point from which a hanging weight can swing freely. When my eyes remain heavenward I can move freely between faith and effort. There are times when more faith is needed and there are times when I am called to pull up my sleeves and put the shoulder to the plow. It’s only when my heart is fixed on God that faith and effort flow freely. It is there that I have rest.

Wanna swing with me on His pendulum and experience freedom? “…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Hebrews 12:2